Friday, September 2, 2011

Perspective and a urine stain

              I was not planning to write a post today. I just got off a 12 hour shift at the hospital and I have just as many penetrating and enlightening thoughts as a stale marshmallow Peep. But I can't help but want to share. Today, I saw some very sad things. You see, I want you to picture your work. Do you work in an office, store or school? Maybe you don't work because you are rich, then stop reading this, and buy me a couch. Ok, for the rest of you back to the office, now picture eating lunch in your cubicle. Now picture someone in your cubicle wailing for their family. Not quiet tears, but when Sally Field had to bury Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias. Feel like eating that Lo Mein, now?

           My point is not to get you to feel bad about what I do or  for you to think, "yum. Lo Mein sounds scrumptious." My point is today, somewhere, someone is having the worst day of their life, right now. What would that be for you?
           I will go back to writing about the madcap antics of my angel and how his newest phase is stripping naked and peeing through the slats of his crib on to the berber carpet during naptime. But today, I was so thankful that my boy was well enough to do that, I had to keep calling home just to hear his voice. So whatever it was that made you crazy today, just think, "This wasn't the worst day. I know what the worst day would be." Now excuse me whilst I joyfully scrub toddler piss out of the rug.


  1. Thanks for a much-needed perspective adjustment. Sigh. So happy you are blogging.
